Friday, and as the previous week, off to the pool I went for my booked slot of 7:30. The pool is the one place where I am totally alone with my thoughts. When I’m running or on the turbo trainer I’m either running with someone or listening to music or a podcast, there is a distraction. As I get in to the water, and complete those 64 lengths, I have no distraction but my own thoughts. I think about the plan, how sluggish I feel, how long I’ve been in the water, the week gone, the blip on Tuesday, the rebound since then, the weekend ahead, I have no distractions but my own thoughts. It is great for clearing the head or coming to acceptance in some decisions.

I cycle home feeling a sense of accomplishment, but also looking forward to my breakfast!

Food for the day:

  • Berry protein porridge
  • Quinoa with roasted vegetables and feta
  • Burritto with eggs, red onion, bacon and feta
  • Snack of yoghurt, berries, protein and honey